Precision Computing’s May Giveaway!
Enter now for a chance to win some cool prizes!
As we finished our entry for the Cooler Master Case Mod World Series, we thought what better way to giveback to the community then offering $100 of free modding! This can include something like a power supply shroud, custom back-plates for your case, or something else creative that you can work together with us to come up with. The cost is limited to $100 and the winner can discuss with Precision Computing via email, or on our Facebook page through messages their idea, and we will put together that idea for them. As we continue to work on modding daily, and improve on our procedures, we thought it would be a nice gesture to give someone else the opportunity that maybe does not have the tools, to have something one of a kind for their case!
The ASUS GTX 650 TI has been donated by Ray Abbott Jr., so we must give him a big thanks for helping assist in this giveaway, and we will be happy to see it go to a new home that is deserving.
In order to qualify for the video card, you must post a valid link to your best 3D Mark Firestrike score underneath this link on our Facebook page. No purchase is required to enter.
Good luck to all, and happy Modding!